Версия [LITE]: 1.2.1

Version [PRO]: 1.5.2

Описание: Позволяет изменять курсор мыши, активировать события нажатием, наведением и др.


  • RPG Maker MV: 1.5+
  • RPG Maker MZ: 1.0+


  • Используйте кастомный курсор.
  • Отображайте иконку при наведении на событие.
  • Изменяйте курсор при наведении на событие.
  • Активируйте событие нажатием или наведением мыши.
  • Change “Destination sprite”. You can change the appearance of the destination sprite (shape, color, animation). In the [PRO] version, you can also use your own image or text.
  • [PRO] Отображение окна, текста или изображения при наведении курсора на событие.

Смотрите также:



Hover window [PRO]:


Destination sprite (text and image) [PRO]:


Список изменений:


Версия 1.5.2 [PRO]

  • Added settings that allow you to specify variables into which mouse coordinates will be written.

Версия 1.5.0 [PRO]

It is now possible to set conditions for activating an event on mouse hover, on click, and for custom cursors.

Use an end tag to tell the plugin to check for a condition, which is written between 2 tags.

Example: to activate the event on click, the condition is set that the click will work if switch 1 is on:

Example: to trigger the mouseover event, the condition is set that the mouseover will work if switch 1 is on:

Example: for custom cursor set to condition that it will be displayed if switch 1 is on:
<custom_cursor: filename>

You can combine several of these comments to customize different data for different conditions.

If you specify several of these settings, then the very first one that satisfies the condition will be used!

Версия 1.4.0 [PRO]

Became possible to set conditions for display text, images using Javascript, which are checked during mouse hover.

Use an end tag to tell the plugin to check for a condition, which is written between 2 tags.

Example: for the image, the condition is set that it will be displayed if the variable 1 is equal to 5:

<hover_image: Actor1_2>
$gameVariables.value(1) === 5

Example: for the text, the condition is set that it will be displayed if switch 1 is on:

<hover_text: Text>

You can combine several of these comments to customize different data for different conditions.

If you specify several of these settings, then the very first one that satisfies the condition will be used!

Версия 1.3.0 [PRO]

Became possible to set conditions for display using Javascript, which are checked during mouse hover.

Use an end tag to tell the plugin to check for a condition, which is written between 2 tags.

Example: for icon 10, the condition is set that it will be displayed when switch 1 is on:

 <hover_icon: 10>

Example: for a window the condition is set that it will be displayed if the variable 1 is greater than 10:

 <hover_window: [100|72|Text]>
 $gameVariables.value(1) > 10

You can combine several of these comments to customize different data for different conditions.

If you specify several of these settings, then the very first one that satisfies the condition will be used!

Языки справки: Английский, Русский

Правила использования

Как получить коммерческую лицензию


LITE version: 

DK_Mouse_System.js (31,3 Кб)
(Last update: 30 Сентябрь 2023 11:08)

Как получить PRO версию:

  • PRO версия доступна при подписке на Boosty или Patreon для “Exclusive plugins” уровня или выше
  • Купить плагин на Boosty или Patreon
  • Купить плагин на сайте

This plugin is included in bundle:

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