Версия: 0.1.0 [ALPHA]

Описание: Adds a quest system.


  • Quest objectives:
    • Objectives that can be completed by the plugin command.
    • Objectives with progress, which can be managed either through the plugin command, or automatically track progress, for example, from variables or any of your Javascript code.
    • Objectives can be hidden, encoded, or optional.
  • Quest description:
    • You can specify a multi-line description of the quest, insert images using the special code \img[filename]
    • You can hide and add description using plugin commands.
  • Quest rewards:
    • Items, exp and gold.
  • Ability to track quests on the game map.
  • Lots of appearance settings.

Инструкции: TODO

Скриншоты: TODO


  • RPG Maker MZ: 1.0+

Языки справки: English

Правила использования

Как получить коммерческую лицензию


DK_Quest_System.js (169,9 Кб)
(Last update: 13 Ноябрь 2023 19:04)

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