Версия: 1.0.0

Описание: Позволяет отправить POST запрос при получении ошибки на указанный URL.


  • RPG Maker MV: 1.5+
  • RPG Maker MZ: 1.0+




The plugin allows you to send a POST request when an error is received to the specified URL.
If the standard URL is used (https://dk-plugins.ru/notify.php),
then you need to specify your email address in the "Data" setting,
to which the message will be sent, and emailTitle - the title of the message.
Attention! The standard URL (https://dk-plugins.ru/notify.php) is configured
to send error data to your mailbox. If you don't trust my customized script,
then you will have to implement your own.

Also you can add any data you need to the message, for example:
1. Information about the error itself (setting "Include error info")
2. Additional information about the error (setting "Include reference info").
This setting adds the following information: scene, map id, event id,
event page, last command executed and its index.
3. Add your information using Javascript.
Examples of data you can add.
1. Game version:
data.gameVersion = '1.0.0';

2. Changed variables:
data.variables = $gameVariables._data.reduce((acc, value, index) => {
if (value) {
  acc[index] = value;
  return acc;
}, {});

3. Enabled switches:
data.enabledSwitches = $gameSwitches._data.reduce((acc, value, index) => {
if (value) {
  return acc;
}, []);

Языки справки: Английский, Русский

Правила использования

Как получить коммерческую лицензию



DK_Send_Error.js (18,5 Кб)
(Last update: 23 Сентябрь 2020 13:16)

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